Ok so I know it has been forever, and I have been terrible about updating my blog. There has been so much going on since I last updated that I don't really know where to start but here goes;
Kade is growing up so fast! He is such a wild boy and loves to explore EVERYTHING! He was always getting into the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen and taking everything out so we finally put child locks on everything. Than he discovers he can move the chairs and climb on the kitchen table and run around. So now we have to keep the chairs on top of the table. We always slide the couch in front of the hallway when we are trying to keep him in the living room, and he recently figured out how to climb on the back of the couch and slowly lift himself down to the other side. I don't know what to do about that one, and he has now discovered the floor vents so he is always taking them out and playing with those. I just don't get it he has all these toys and he wants to play with everything he shouldn't be. His favorite toys right now are balls( he is always pointing saying ball and running and getting it and throwing it down the stairs and saying uh oh! or he is kicking one around the house. It is so freakin cute! His other favorite thing right now is his stuffed turtle. Kyle and I will always say
where's your turtle? , and he will run and get it and bring it to you or hug it real tight. He loves that thing. Kade is seriously the happiest boy ever, and I love it. He is always smiling or laughing and he always makes my day.
Kade is now 16 months. He has been going to nursery for a couple of months already because kyle is in the nursery, and Kade loves it.
Kade and mommy

Kade in bath with cotton balls to protect his ears from water

Kades 1st birthday!

Kades second ear surgery

I took Kade to a place called Gymboree for a free trial to see how he liked it. It was kinda cool


Playing in the drawer

Just got haircut

Kade loves his turtle

This kid is not afraid of anything. Herriman splash pad.

Daddy's motorcycle helmet

All the cousins on the Visser side

Aiden, Ella Rae, Lydia, Kade, and Kenna

Kyle got a motorcyle a couple of months ago for a great deal from a guy he knows, and he has been loving it. We had talked about getting one since we were married, and he finally got one. It does freak me out a little because of stories I have heard, but I was pretty excited myself. He rides it to work everyday and loves it. We also sold my little car. I had my car since before we were married. It was kinda sad cuz there is lots of memories, but I was kinda glad to see it go. I ran a half marathon a couple of months ago. It is kinda a crazy story. One of my counselors in YW was going to run it and was all registered and than found out she was pregnant, so I was like I will run it. So me and my other counselor ran it together. I had absolutely no training I just wanted to do it to say I did it, and I didn't think I would care about my time or anything like that. Well I got there and my competitive side came out and I ran the entire time and did it in 2 hours and 10 min. I was so proud of myself, It was an awesome feeling, but I will never do something like that again with no training. I definitely paid for it. I got soooooo sick. But it is really cool to look back and say I did that. I am so proud of myself.We are just keeping busy with Kade and work and work and callings, and we absolutely love being parents. We got an amazing litlle boy and we love him so much.