Friday, February 26, 2010

40 weeks!

40 weeks and still no baby! I am not gonna lie, I am a little disappointed because I really wanted him to come early but there is really nothing I can do about it. I went to the doctor on Wednesday and I am dilated to a 1 and am 70% effaced but really that doesn't mean much, but it is exciting that I have progressed a little bit. I guess I should be grateful I haven't delivered yet because I have been really sick the past 10 days and I am just barely getting over it so it probably wouldn't have been real fun to have a baby during that time. I am getting very antsy however, and I can't sit still or sleep or anything without going crazy! We are so excited and hope our little guy comes soon. I really can't wait to meet him. I kind of think at this point though that we are going to be having a March baby but you never know. I am crossing my fingers it will be soon! I have been doing everything I can think of to induce labor, I just got back from the gym where I walked the treadmill for 30 min, I was so proud. The best part is knowing that for sure in 2 weeks I won't be pregnant any more and I will have a sweet little baby!


  1. thanks for the update, I have been wondering whats been going on with you! The bonus is the longer you go the closer in age our kids will be! haha, I know you are thinking at this point you couldn't careless about that! :) good luck! and keep us updated often!!

  2. Thanks for the update! I've been wondering if the baby has arrived. I'm hoping to hold out until I'm at least 40 weeks. My due date is March 1st. Maybe we should try to have them the same day. :)
