Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time Flies!

So sweet!

I can't believe Kade is already a month old. He is changing so much everyday and it is so much fun. This month has seriously gone by so fast it is scary. I have been snapping pictures like crazy which is funny because I have always been terrible with taking pictures. Kade has been alot better sleeping at night and I am thinking about switching him to the nursery now and trying to get him on a schedule but I just can't stand to let him cry himself to sleep so I don't really know what to do. I thought I knew alot about babies from my experiences with being a nanny but I feel like I have so much to learn and I want to do everything perfect. Anyways we finally got our fence up in our backyard so now we can let Abby out and run around the backyard and it is great because kids were always walking through our backyard to get to the street above us and would always leave trash lying around. I love it and can't wait until Kade is old enough to go outside and play.

Daniel and Melanie and Lydia came and visited from Vegas.
Cute little monkey outfit
Daddy and Kade outside
The fence in the backyard

Kade and Daddy chillin


  1. Yea for the monkey outfit! So cute!

  2. Time really does fly by so fast when you have kids. Just wait, pretty soon he's going to be having his 1st b-day and the very next day you'll be in the hospital having your 2nd child...haha!

  3. too cute! Congrats on the fence! I have been wanting to come over but everybody here has pink eye and colds. Sooo i'll probably have to wait until we are a little better! Miss ya!

