Monday, October 5, 2009

IT'S A ???

Kyle and I went to the doctors for the ultrasound today and we found out what we are having. IT'S A BOY! We are so excited, he was so cute on all the little pictures and it was so fun to see him moving around and stuff. We got one really good picture of his face and he has his little hand resting under his chin. It is so adorable. Well they did all the measurements to see if everything looked good and everything is great! I was really nervous that the baby would be too shy and we wouldn't be able to tell what it was, but his legs were wide open and it is very obvious, so that is a big relief.We are really excited, it was an awesome experience.


  1. boys are THE BEST!! congratulations!!!

  2. Kristina! How are you? I just saw the link to your blog on Melissa's and came by to say hi! Congratulations on the baby. Kids are lots of fun. :)

    Our blog is

  3. HOW EXCITING!!! Congrats!!! By the way your movie room looks AWESOME!!! :)
