Sunday, May 30, 2010

new adventures

First of all on Friday May 28th Kade rolled over for the first time. It was so cool, he did it 3 times in a row for us. I was so excited. The other thing I wanted to post about is this past week. It has been a really humbling week for me and I just wanted to share a few things. Last Sunday Kyle and I were called in to meet with the Bishop so we figured either one or both of us were getting a new calling, but I was not prepared for what was coming. I was called to be the Young Women's President. Wow I think I stared at the bishopric with my mouth hanging open for about 20 seconds. I was so shocked. I know though that the Lord will not give us anything we cannot handle and I know he will help me through this calling. As I have let it sink in I am actually really excited about this opportunity, I think it will be a great learning and growing experience for me, and the counselors I have are great women and I am so excited to work with them.. On top of that calling I had to speak in church today, (and the stake presidency happened to be there along with Elder Walter Gonzalez of the Presidency of the seventy, oh and my parents showed up too, so I was even more nervous but it turned out ok) so it has been a very stressful but good day. My testimony of the gospel has grown so much this week and I am so grateful for it in my life.


  1. Wow, best of luck with your new calling!! That's a big one! So, what are you going to do about Girls Camp since you have a nursing babe?!!!

    Way to go, Kade! Rolling over already!

  2. You will be a great YW leader....and you'll have all those cute yw to help you with your rolling baby. Congrats.

  3. You will do great with your calling! Kade has hit a milestone that Ruby never will. She has never rolled over (well, once by accident) and she is almost 1. He is so cute!
