Saturday, July 17, 2010

4 months

Not quite tall enough

Wow I cannot believe Kade is already 4 months old. Time is flying way too fast. He is so much fun now and is more interactive everyday. He has the cutest laugh, and Kyle and I will do just about anything to get him to laugh. I took Kade to the doctor yesterday for his 4 month appt and these are his stats:
Head: 4% - yea he has a tiny little noggin
weight: 9% - Wow he is a skinny boy
height: 78%- He is going to be tall like Daddy

I also started feeding him rice cereal and he loves it, and the doctor said I can start him on yellow and orange fruits and veggies. That will be fun. He is rolling all over the place and is a very strong little boy. He is usually a very happy baby. He likes to make lots of sounds now and tries to copy sounds we make. He also loves to drool all over Kyle when he holds him up. It is hilarious because I swear he does it on purpose. Kyle and I love him so much and feel so blessed to have him in our lives. I truly think being a mother is the best job ever. I absolutely love it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow he is getting so big... Hope you guys are doing well..
